I nostri Eventi del 2014

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Visualizza articoli per tag:disneyland

Giovedì, 03 Novembre 2022 19:41

Madame Leota

Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat; call in the spirits, wherever they're at.
Rap on a table; it's time to respond. Send us a message from somewhere beyond.
Goblins and ghoulies from last Halloween: awaken the spirits with your tambourine.
Creepies and crawlies, toads in a pond; let there be music, from regions beyond!
Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell!
―Madame Leota's incantation
Pubblicato in Le nostre Moc
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Mercoledì, 22 Agosto 2018 11:44


Diorama Disneyland

di Sandro Pardossi

Pubblicato in Le nostre Moc
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